Worried About Identity Theft?

Did you know that an identity is stolen every 3 seconds? Identity theft remains one of the fastest growing crimes in America and has topped the Federal Trade Commission's list of consumer complaints for eight consecutive years, with over 8 million identities compromised last year alone.
Becoming the victim of identity theft can wreak havoc on your finances and your life, costing you thousands of dollars and a seemingly endless amount of hours to repair the damage. And anyone can become a target because identity thieves don't discriminate. They draw their victims from every race, age and gender.
Lifelock® is a leader in proactive identity theft protection. They back their clients with a 1 million dollar total service guarantee. All of this is provided for just $10 a month or $110 annually.
When you enroll in Lifelock® they place fraud alerts, in your name, with the three major credit bureaus and update them every 90 days. If anyone attempts to change your address, apply for a new line of credit or otherwise do anything that requires a credit check, the merchant is requested to contact you by phone and verify your identity. Your name is also removed from junk mail lists and pre-approved credit card lists which further protects you from identity thieves.
How do you enroll? Simply visit www.lifelock.com and click 'Enroll Now' or call 800-LIFELOCK (543-3562). Make sure to use the promotional code Babe3 in order to save 10% off the retail cost.
*Never share your Social Security number or personal information unnecessarily.